I've not known Rita for long. I first met her in a Dear Jane class that she taught. (I must confess I became a "Dear Jane" dropout, but I blamed the fact that we were building a house at the time!) She has since become involved in our local guild, and she started a new Bee and invited me to join it. Despite our relatively short acquaintance, however, I have come to admire her both as a person and as a quilter. Her works, whether traditional quilts or art quilts, are outstanding.
So are her work habits! I've seen her quilting spaces several times, and always, they are pristine and neat. So different from mine! I do clean up between projects, but when I am in the midst of one--well, chaos appears to reign, though there really is order in the chaos.
Yesterday Rita hosted our Bee. Not only did she serve us a lovely lunch, but once again we did a house tour, so that she could show new Bee members her quilts and all of us her brand new
Gammil long arm machine. I thought the rest of you Mavens might enjoy seeing Rita's work spaces and Rita with her new "toy"!
These top two photos show one of Rita's work spaces. As you can see
this room has wonderful natural light, with windows on two walls |
And these two show Rita and her new Gammill. To get this machine up to the second floor, a fork lift and a window were involved--fortunately, a wide window! It is to Rita's right. Click on the bottom picture to
see what's embroidered on Rita's apron! |