I thought I would practice posting with a photo in preparation for the Harmony reveal on September 15th.
If I can't make this work, I might need more remedial help from Linda!
Norma, a friend of my mothers', will be 92 on August 22. Although my mother died in 2003, my sister & I have kept in touch
with her. I looked in a number of stores for an appropriate birthday card but had no luck, either too cute, or too serious.
Nothing was "just right", sooooo, last minute, decided to make a fabric card to enclose with my letter and MM blog print out.
I gave myself until 4:00 yesterday to complete ( about 1 hour ) so that I could bring the quite "hefty" package to the post office to be weighed & mailed. Had I given myself more time, would have probably made something more complicated. Here goes...lets see if the photo of the card shows up on the blog! ( I'm keeping my fingers crossed! )