Sunday, October 27, 2019

The "Tale" Composite

As I enjoy the art of quilting, I’m fascinated by two things: How many memories are woven into each quilt and why don’t we more often use that fabric to tell those tales.   As I travel to the art shows with Rita, I still wonder, why isn’t the ART of quilting more recognized as truly ART, and the creator[s] more celebrated as truly ARTISTS?

TALE, another round of memories. I decided this composite begged for a different layout, call it a scatter-gram, if you will. One quilt took me down a path I didn’t expect, but it turned out to be a tale. Andrea’s shoes didn’t make any sense at first glance. Then I read the narrative and saw the universal sign of, “Thou shalt not!” and burst out laughing. It even tickled me that “THE RITZ” had “loaner shoes.” I agree with their decision, the shoes they had on were made for walking – out. 

Kathy’s tail of a whale [or should it be whale of a tale] made a good mid-point [read that as focal point.]  Gail, I’m not a cat fancier, but your pets just seem to be sitting on top, keeping an eye on all the tales to be told, of ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties – and Tale [actually a Scottish Prayer] to be told. 

To complete the “circle” Nedra, Carolyn and Alice found the true meaning of, “A Tale to be told.” Each of those squares would make a page in a story book, if someone would just wrap the rest of the story around it.  I never knew any of my grandparents very well so I don’t know what I missed of the old tales. We [and all the family] read and tell stories to our 6-year-old grandson constantly. He now reads the World Book Encyclopedia on his own.
What a wonderful treasure of memories woven into these 6 small quilts.

Thank you, one and all.
The tiny spider is simply because it is Halloween month and I thought you might need a grin.