At Andrea's suggestion, I documented the process of constructing my quilt with photos. Probably what would be easiest would be to upload the various photos I took and then explain the process in the captions.
I first painted PFD fabric with the three Setacolor paints above, applying them to dampened fabric with a foam brush. |
I had previously cut out the Chinese characters for harmony from craft foam.
These I placed randomly on the still-damp fabric. The beads
and the green plastic were some experimenting
I was doing--to see how they
would sun-print. (Wonderfully!) |
I put the board on which the fabric was laid out in the sun to dry
and to sun-print on the patio table in our back yard.
(Our lawn is green and the flowers are
thriving, despite the drought, because
of our diligent watering! Water has
not been rationed, thanks to the fact that our
water supply comes from a big lake, still
full!) |
After finding a beautiful Asian fabric that featured Koi, I chose two fish
to be used on the Yin-Yang. |
I lightly fused Misty Fuse onto the back of the Asian-themed fabric. |
I auditioned the cut-out Koi on various fabrics, eventually choosing
this red-orange batik for the gold fish, and the Asian
turquoise fabric for the red one. |
I used the lid from my ice bucket as a pattern for the Yin-Yang, tracing
around the lid onto the dull side of freezer paper.
I cut out the curved shapes and ironed the freezer paper patterns
to the two fabrics, shiny side down. |
I cut out the shapes from the red-orange and turquoise fabrics. |