After adventures too numerous to mention (thanks to heavy fog!), all nine of the Mavens who accepted Tricia's invitation to come to Nantucket for a five-day retreat arrived safely. Our first full day there, Lois led off with the presenting/teaching, showing us examples of her outstanding thread painting and then teaching us how to achieve some interesting treatments for edging. After lunch, Carolyn (with minor assistance from Alice) demonstrated the curved piecing technique that she and Alice learned at Quilting Adventures in March from the outstanding art quilter Sheila Frampton-Cooper.
Below are a sampling of photos from our two sessions. See the captions for explanations! As always, to enlarge and to see details, click on the photos.
One of Lois's beautiful thread paintings. |
Lois talking to us and Carolyn listening attentively. |
Gail, Carolyn, and Rita around the big table where we worked; Lois showing more of her thread painted examples. |
Carolyn shows the edge treatment that she produced that first morning. |
Here all of us are, showing our work. Front row: Jane, Gail, Nedra.
Back row: Sara, Alice, Rita, Carolyn, Andrea, and our wonderful hostess, Andrea.
Jane cutting out her sample of curved piecing. Jane was one of several who normally is not comfortable piecing, but of course, these "uncomfortable" ones demonstrated much competence! Behind Jane are Gail (at the ironing board), Rita, and Sara. |
Lois that afternoon (another one not fond of piecing!) at work on her sample. Sara is in the tie-dyed shirt. |
Tricia and Andrea at work on the piecing.
At home at the kitchen door at Tricia's house. Left to right, Alice, Sara, Rita, and Tricia. |