My Quilt Guild show was last weekend. My bee effort won best of show! I was really excited to see that our group effort, an art quilt did so well. One of the members had the idea to cut up pieces of Peltex into a puzzle shape and we each selected a shape and a theme from Alice in Wonderland. I did the Cheshire Cat in the top/center of the quilt. The tree was needle punched into a home dec fabric and then fused to the Peltex. The leaves are made of thread - I started making thread lace but had too much fun to stop. The cat face was originally just sewn on but I was told it was disappearing which is what was planned for the Cheshire cat. I did paint in the eyes and mouth and that was an improvement. I also quilted the black background. Nancy Dickey assembled the puzzle pieces on the background - a huge project.