Friday, October 17, 2014

The Contrast Composite

Friends, Alice is posting this, but Randy is the one who composed the composite, as usual.  I always enjoy reading his "rationale" for the way he has arranged the quilts.  So, I will copy and paste his explanation below.  This time, with the different shapes of the quilts, I am sure it was quite a challenge for him to construct this composition.  Many thanks to Randy from all of us for working so hard on behalf of our group!

And now, Randy's explanation:

How the Contrast Composition came together:

Contrast was really fun to put together because it introduced the challenge of a variety of shapes to add to the colors and themes, all of which focused on the central  concept of Contrast. 

The first row works well together in shape (squares), color (reds, grays, bright to dark), and then the flowers seem to point to the center and Judy’s quilt seems to 
point out to the beyond and limitless imagination (read that as you Material Mavens).

The second row is obviously plants, subtle colors, and elements of threes.

Row three: Geometrically, what fun because Nedra’s quilt is the exact size as Tricia’s but looks smaller because the visual element is the bright background of the zebra. And see how well the two horizontal images balance the vertical image in the center? Visually, what fun because that zebra can’t wait to get past that flying goose and into the water. Wait, Tricia, are there zebras in Willoughby, spring or fall?

Row four: The bright oranges and the circles and this time the two horizontals framing the center square just worked perfectly together.
Row five: Is actually my favorite row. The darks and lights (true contrast) of the grapes match very nicely with the bright contrasts in Carol’s portrait. The slight size 
disparity lends a great place to add the title for the page.
