Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Green Quilts Composite

Randy has done it again--composed a beautiful composite of our Green quilts!  Notice how much time and effort Randy expends in arranging our quilts to their best advantage.

Not only that, but I think he groups according to similar themes within our current theme.  (I might be wrong--Randy, correct me if I am!)

Take the third row, for an example.  Randy grouped the three quilts that featured faces.  In the fourth row, three with "critters," to use my word loosely.  The top row--three that might be said are "botanical."  The bottom row--three with an abstract feel.  And then the second row....hmm, a mix of humor and _______; I can't find a word, or perhaps these three just looked good together!

Of course, Randy might have had other themes in mind for his groups of three, this is simply how I read them!

So thanks again to Randy for doing a superlative job.