OK Mavens ! Let's have some crazy fun with this one !
"DOODLE" could be a Noun, Verb, Adjective, Gerund (as in Doodling !) or just about anything you'd like it to be !
As with Alice's Pun Challenge, you might check out Google's Visual Images for inspiration, check the dictionary for its definitions, and going back to Google's Visuals, try adding the prefix "Zen" to the word Doodle :-)
Hope y'all have a great time with this one .... I look forward to enjoying all your beautiful works of art in April !
Love, Kathy
Friday, January 15, 2016
After getting over my initial "How can I possibly make a PUN into a quilt" freaking-out reaction, I followed Alice's suggestion about Googling "Visual Puns," and had a blast making this quilt ! And in the process, re-affirmed how much I love playing with words :-)
Of all the wild & crazy visual pun choices, I selected "PUMPKIN PI" because there were so many directions I could take with this pun. Obviously, the Pumpkin and the Pi sign. But then.... how about "Pumpkin Pi [r] Square(d)" !
The pumpkin is from of some Halloween fabric I already had in my stash. I appliqued it to some gorgeous Lonni Rossi 'Roasted Corn' fabric, and then using 'Visual Images' again, found the perfect Pi sign to use as my pattern.
The thought of 'Pumpkin Pi [r] Squared' came about as I was getting ready to start quilting. Beautiful swirls ? Gentle curves ? OR.... Squares, rectangles and a few triangles thrown in for good measure !
Thanks Alice ! Great challenge .... great fun !
Jane's Pun Quilt
Jane’s “Pun” Quilt
Negative Space
Well, this should be a
delightful reveal. It has been very challenging for me. I kept researching
visual puns hoping to find one that really spoke to me. Finally, about 2 weeks
ago, I ran across an image which inspired my quilt. I have to admit I tried to
come up with something totally original that had art connotations, but had to
come back to this image.
The title of my quilt is
Negative Space. All of the planets have frowns, one is crying, one has her
tongue out. Some of these expressions are difficult to see, but they are there.
I started with a hand-dyed
background then looked into my stash of fused fabrics to find some planets.
After quilting the background, I fused the planets in place and quilted them.
Then I drew their expressions on with markers. I thought it was done but
realized they didn’t particularly look like planets. I added the sparkly rings
around one of them with Holoshimmer thread to add that special quality.
I wanted to use the
expression, “Color gets all the credit while Value does the work” Can any of
you draw me a cartoon of that?
Rita's Pun Quilt: The Focus Ranch--Where the Sun's Rays Meet
The pun – a very sophisticated form of humor most often greeted by a hearty groan. Truth be told, your sense of humor either loves a pun or you respond with, “I don’t get it!” When Alice threw down the gauntlet with this challenge I wanted to try a broken needle technique but what would be the point? (Groan)
In another life, Randy traveled the “chicken fried steak and white cream gravy” circuit doing “The Healing Power of Humor” workshops, which included the use of humor in creativity and thus, the fun in discussing puns. When Alice gave us this challenge one of Randy’s workshop puns immediately gave me another grin and a groan. But how to construct the pun in cloth? I remembered a piece of fabric art at the 2014 International Quilt Festival in Houston. It was created by Dr. Flora Joy and was of Jackie Kennedy, Oprah, and Mother Theresa. Looking from the left you see Jackie, looking straight on you see Oprah, and looking from the right you can see Mother Theresa. In the meantime, Randy had volunteered to do a photo art piece for one of the Stations of the Cross for Lent for our Church. I then discovered Dr. Joy’s book, Trispective, the 3-n-1 Quilt, and we had the actual “how-to” for both projects.
In order to construct a trispective, three different images must be created. I decided to try my hand at painting on fabric. Think Hollis Chatelaine and the Nelson Mandela quilt that won Best of Show at Houston one year. I traced the images you see on to Grunge fabric (Moda) using a very fine Micron pen. I used Setacolor opaque fabric paint, purchased from Lenore Crawford when I took her class on turning a photo into a quilt at Quilting Adventures in New Braunfels. The completed painted images must be cut into one inch wide strips and then merged. As I was working, I never stopped repeating the mantra, “blue-green-yellow, blue-green-yellow.” Getting the strips out of order would not be a good thing. The strips were fused to a heavy craft interfacing by Pellon. I stitched between each strip to allow a fold between each strip. Before folding, the fused piece was 41 inches long. The finished piece was supposed to be 11 x 14 but the end product is 11 x 15 because the interfacing folds made the piece grow.
So what is the pun? The Focus Ranch: Where the son’s raise meat.
Gail's Pun...Music, the staff of life
I had several ideas that I'd been mulling over, but when a friend teasingly said "make me a music quilt" I had my quilt! This is such a wonderful place to try new techniques. New to me were the dotted phalange in the binding, sewing in sequins (which worked beautifully), and using variegated thread in a machine fancy stitch. Thank you again Mavens for challenging me. This one was very difficult mentally!
What a fun theme this was. I thought of all sorts of puns, but had been thinking of something to do with this number 70 that I had made when I turned 70 - five years ago! About that time, I also added a fat quarter to my stash that had pictures of women with plentiful behinds and abundant breasts.
Folks continue to tout that the 70s are the new 50s. So, I knew exactly what I would do for my pun quilt, "In hindsight, I thought the 70s would be the new 50s, butt..." As those of us who have passed through aging know, our bodies change and sometimes add poundage over the years exactly where it is not wanted!
My quilt is raw edge appliquéd with various cottons and images cut from the "stout women" fat quarter. I used colored pencils and fabric pens for the facial features of a caricature of myself. I love hats although I don't wear many, so I added a flowered Kaffe Fassett hat and sassy spool earrings (which, by the way, I would probably wear!). The image 70 became my clothing. I do love rosy cheeks and bright lipstick, so those elements, along with the green eyes perfected my caricature. At the bottom of the quilt, I added the phrase, "In hindsight ..."
I free motion stitched with Aurifil thread around all of the female characters and added the "endowed woman" at the top right because, I, too am blessed with endowment. My family has chuckled heartily at this self-portrait, as I know you will.
Tricia's Pun- Material Ravens Sew Corny
When I heard the theme "Pun" I was completely stumped. My husband loves Puns. So on a bike ride I brought up our theme. Boy did that get him going! So many ideas. I love the fact that the theme also created a lot of discussion among the group. I also talked about the theme with my daughters. We came up with Material Ravens and Sew Corny.
I used hand painted fabric from Mickey Lawler for the background fabric. I then picked the fabric for the ravens and machine appliqued the ravens and corn. I couched black cording for the telephone wires. I pulled thread from my trash for the birds beaks. I used beads for the eyes. I used a new technique for facing my quilt.
I used hand painted fabric from Mickey Lawler for the background fabric. I then picked the fabric for the ravens and machine appliqued the ravens and corn. I couched black cording for the telephone wires. I pulled thread from my trash for the birds beaks. I used beads for the eyes. I used a new technique for facing my quilt.
Judy's Pun: I Scream CONE
With all the driving that I do I feel like doing this. Now as I drive I will be able to see it in a more positive light. I would really like an ice cream cone rather then those blasted orange cones.
I want to quilt more on this and put an ice cream truck behind the cones, but I have a lot of shirts to finish by a deadline. It won’t melt while it is waiting for me.
Sara's Pun Irony
Irony is the Opposite of Wrinkly!
I had trouble with this assignment. Even though I do appreciate a good pun, my wonderful husband has declared our home a pun free zone. We once had an acquaintance who made every conversational encounter an excuse to see how many puns he could produce, hence my dear husband's banning of puns in the home. I did get totally inspired when my very wonderful girl friend presented me with a custom T-Shirt for my birthday. The front declares (in rhinestones) "Stash Queen" and the back shoulder "Irony is the Opposite of Wrinkly". This quilt came as a complete mental image which was then filed away for the intervening months.
The white fabric was densely stitched onto texture magic and steamed. The black circle in the white area has a thread sketched iron. I did this by tracing a clip art iron cartoon onto a piece of aged sulky solvy which had yellowed over the years and so let me see the black lines even on the black background. I placed black fabric under the solvy and tear away under it. I free motion stitched the iron outline. The image was all there and the stabilizers were easily torn away.
The little circles were reversed appliqued into place. Getting a good final circle of the right size was difficult for me until my husband suggested I use one of his "junk" vinyl records (one of his current passions is collecting and listening to music on old vinyl records) as they are a perfect 12 inch circle.
The binding was less than successful as I wanted to arrange the colors so I used a wrapped rather than mitered corner. I am going to work on that technique!
As always this was fun and a great way to stretch
![]() |
Irony is the Opposite of Wrinkly! |
Nedra's Pun - A Piece of Cake
My first impression for this theme was Ugh! I'm not a witty and clever person - I'll never think of anything punny!! But with much thought and suggestions from several of you, my brain began to swim with ideas. I finally settled on this one as it had a very personal connection to an important event in my life. When it came to mind I knew that would be it !!
I was pregnant with my first child and I, like so many of my contempararies, wanted to have the baby by natural childbirth. My husband John and I dutifully went to Lamaze classes and he was well prepared to be my coach. On my last day of work, which coincided with my due date, I went into labor. The contractions started very erratically around 6 in the morning but I wasn't quite sure this was really "it". So I went to work, trained my replacement and went home. Soon after arriving home, things became more regular and the contractions became closer together. We left for the hospital when they were 5 minutes apart which was near midnight. Much to my disbelief and disappointment I was only dilated 5 centimeters!! There was a lot of laboring to go!! After a shower, much back labor, and rocking on my knees to turn the baby I decided it was time for the drugs. But NO - it was too late now!! So I continued naturally and had Katie at 8 am. That's about 26 hours of labor(but who's counting) and you're probably wondering what the heck this has to do with cake!!
John is a very positive and encouraging person and tried so hard to be a good coach providing strength, support and optimism. BUT, he also can go to sleep at the drop of a hat and kept nodding off between contractions. I HAD TO WAKE HIM UP when a new contraction started to be my coach!! Each time, his head would pop up and he'd cheerily say, ITS A PIECE OF CAKE, NEDRA!" This was his way of telling me you're doing great - it'll be ok. Silly me, each time he said it, I wanted to STRANGLE HIM!! From my perspective, this was NO PIECE OF CAKE!!
The piece is fused and machine quilted. A shiva paintstick was used to darken the top of the cake to look more like icing. If you look closely, "It's a girl Katie" is written on the pink baby rattle to honor our first child.
Andrea's Pun Quilt
I Just Couldn't Resist
11 x 14
glue resist fabric, hand-dyed 100% cotton, machine pieced, fused,
machine stitched
I never intended to design another circle quilt for my Pun, but my muse sent me in that direction. I will admit that I had trouble coming up with any pun concepts that I really wanted to work with. This quilt is the result of my third idea. With the deadline looming, I had to begin with something, so started to construct my second idea. After a two day struggle, I was looking online and saw the word "resist" and thought OK, this is something that I can have fun with!
Many years ago when I first started using fiber-reactive dyes, I created some resist fabrics, a surface design technique, using a product called Presist and thickened dyes. I looked though the fabrics that I had made and was disappointed because none of them "spoke" to me. When I realized I would not have enough time to make more fabric using those products, I remembered that I had read about using Elmer's School glue as a resist.
It was suggested that the fabric be stretched on some type of frame so that it would not come in contact with another surface while drying. The first thing I thought of was an embroidery hoop, which worked very well. I applied the glue to a piece of my snow-dyed fabric in a squiggle pattern and let it dry overnight. Once completely dried I sprayed it with a diluted black acrylic paint. I ended up wanting to use the entire circle instead of cutting it up as I originally thought I would do. I pieced the circle ( I actually made five circles ) into a hand-dyed fabric with a color shift from purple to magenta.
Wet glue on snow-dyed fabric
Design wall with resist circle fabrics.
Carol's Pun Poetry - Poet-Tree
In the beginning when the word was chosen I was completely
stumped. I started thinking about it
and came up with poetry, which translated to Poet-Tree.
I copied a small picture that was my inspiration (it was
about 3”) and used my enlarger to obviously enlarge it! I started out with a
white piece of fabric and used fabric paints and Inktense sticks, not the
pencils, to create my wood tree. I also used some masking for the
whites of his
eyes, which I had never done before, and a hair dryer to dry th inks and paints when I added
more color. Once I had him all painted up, I did stitched texture for his
bark/mustache/face/hands and then cut him out of the fabric.
I then got another piece of fabric and painted his
background. I attached him to the background and stuffed him a little so he
would have a small belly.
I then sewed him down and added more

All in all, I like him quite a bit.
Alice's Pun Quilt: A Pair of Pears, Pared
From the beginning, I debated between two different puns, but
eventually I settled on the homonyms “pear, pair, and pare.” I pared a red and a green pair of pears,
arranged the pared pairs on a plate, and shot the photo outside on the back
porch against the brick wall.
I printed the photo, after doctoring it a bit on Photoshop,
using Jacquard Inkjet Fabric Sheets. Inktense Pencils in various shades of
greens and red and a bit of brown and yellow helped to brighten the colors; I
blended them with a brush dipped in water.
This was the most fun part of this quilt for me! (Thanks, Jane Hartfield!)
I have a brand new machine and was eager to try it out
on the quilting. I lost my nerve,
though, as far as free-motion quilting, so stitched a gentle curving vine and
leaves using the open-toe embroidery foot, feed dogs engaged. The quilting can hardly be seen, but it shows
up a bit better on the back!
Then I fused the photo onto the background, using Wonder
Under. After fusing it, I appliqued
around the photo using the buttonhole stitch to secure it. Finally, I bound the quilt with another red
PS: This is actually
a two-sided quilt! On the back is the other design I considered. This one is based on the pun first mentioned
by Carolyn: “Blessed are the
piece-makers,” [a pun on the Bible verse “Blessed are the peace-makers”] and it
depicts various ones of us Material Mavens “piecing.” Well, sewing on machines. Some of us claim never to piece! Not me!
Who makes this claim will remain nameless! I actually put together a composite, but I don't think I'll be taking over Randy's job!
I identify the "piecers" (sorry, quilt artists) in the caption. I've also posted the original composite, which of course is sharper and clearer than the photo I printed onto fabric!
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