Sunday, September 1, 2024

Andrea's Refraction Quilt

Hommage To Freddy Moran
"She's A Rainbow"
11" x 14" fused cotton, rubber stamps, tulle

I know I am stretching the theme, more like 'refraction by association'! The quilt I was intending to make was based on a photo I took at a Friendly's restaurant a couple of years ago. I was served a large glass of water with a red straw that visually both refracted and distorted the straw, which was fascinating. Even though it was the perfect subject matter for this theme, I really didn't feel like representing it in fabric. My next thought was to do something with a rainbow, as they are an "optical phenomenon caused by refraction" ( Wikipedia ), but I didn't want to work with rainbow imagery either. I'm sure I have mentioned before how intrigued I am with the creative process and for me, one thing usually leads to another. Just after dismissing the rainbow concept, I had a few errands to run and the first song that was playing on the car radio was The Rolling Stones' "She's A Rainbow".  I not only took this as the universe telling me to stick to the rainbow concept, but when I thought of a rainbow representing a person, I immediately thought of Freddy Moran, who sadly died in August at 94. Literally within a 10 minute timespan, I had the beginning of an idea that I couldn't wait to start!

Freddy's quilts were colorful, joyful & whimsical. She loved polka dots, stripes and considered red to be a neutral color. Black and white fabrics became her signature, as I think her large red framed glasses.
I wanted to incorporate a house block ( Freddy's first book was called Freddy's House ) and I made it into a fascinator hat.

I am truly grateful to Linda Hicks for asking me, in 2011, if I would be interested in joining a new art quilt blog started by friends in Texas.  I was most honored that Alice Beard accepted me! Being a member of The Material Mavens has an amazing creative experience that I will miss.


  1. Ha!! Whatever serves as inspiration for a theme is fine with me and I totally get the connection. I too thought of rainbows, but didn't want to do a rainbow so the song and Freddy connection is so coool!! Love the rainbow colored theme of the quilt and the use of her favorite prints and style. And the British fascinator is just icing on the cake!! So fun and you!! Just adore it!!!

    1. Thanks so much Nedra...the Fascinator (with the tulle) was a very late addition to the design, but once i thought of it, I HAD to make one ( and go through a few tubs of fabric to find my tulle stash ).

  2. What fun! Such a great interpretation.

    1. Thanks Tricia, it was fun to construct!

  3. Andrea, I just knew that you'd come up with a fabulous quilt! I actually counted on it, and when late in the day on the 31st and you'd not posted, I was crushed! But you came through, and I absolutely love your quilt! I'm not familiar with Freddy Moran, but of course I'll now Google her and learn more. She reminds me of Yvonne Porcella, another art quilter who loves red, black and white, stripes, and dots! These two quilt artists are soul sisters. But back to YOU--your quilt is absolutely outstanding, and it is absolutely perfect for this challenging theme.

    1. I'm so sorry you were crushed Alice...the "inspiration" was late in coming, I had sewing machine "issues" AND the addition of the Fascinator delayed the process, I was most relieved that I was able to finish and post just one day late!
      Yes, Freddy and Yvonne were very much soul sisters. Nedra and I were actually able to take a class with Yvonne many years ago in N.H.
      Much thanks to you from the bottom of my heart for ALL that you have done through the years of the group. Big thanks to Nedra for allowing us to "stay together" a bit longer.

  4. Hi Andrea - what a very clever design!!! I was
    going to make a rainbow quilt - but I haven't come up with a delightful alternate - at least not yet. I have enjoyed this group so much and really hate to say goodbye to everyone. At least we can keep in touch via Facebook. It has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself, and I am so appreciative for Alice and Nedra for carrying this group through 10 years!
    I have seen your quilt designs grow so much over these years, Andrea, and you deserve a pat on the back. So, stop a minute and give one to yourself!!! Cheers, Carolyn

  5. Hi Carolyn...if we have inspired you to pursue your rainbow quilt ( or alternate idea ) it's not too late! I'd love to see one more of your quilts as I was hoping that Judy would "join" us for this last challenge also. This is such a bittersweet ending. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement through the years...I will give myself a pat on the back!

    1. Sorry, that last comment was from me, Andrea!
