Nedra Weaver is our 13th member. Andrea suggested her as a possible member of our group. I hope that she will soon write a post to tell us a bit about herself. So now we have three from the East Coast of the United States: Andrea, Linda, and Nedra.
Note that I have added her name to our list at the right.
Here's our schedule with Nedra added at the bottom. You might print off this schedule and keep it handy, just so you'll know when your turn is coming up. Of course, I'll also remind you!
(3) Jane chooses theme #3 on Nov. 15, 2011, for Jan. 15, 2012's quilt.
(4) Judy : theme #4 on Jan. 15, 2012, for Mar. 15, 2012's quilt.
(5) Rita: theme $5 on Mar. 15, 2012, for May 15, 2012's quilt.
(6) Patti: theme #6 on May 15, 2012, for Jul. 15, 2012's quilt.
(7) Andrea: theme #7 on July 15, 2012, for Sept. 15, 2012's quilt.
(8) Alice: theme #8 on Sept. 15, 2012, for Nov. 15, 2012's quilt.
(9) Barbara: theme #9 on Nov. 15, 2012, for Jan. 15, 2013's quilt.
(10) Judy W: theme #10 on Jan. 15, 2013, for Mar. 15, 2013's quilt.
(11) Kathy: theme #11 on Mar. 15, 2013, for May 15, 2013's quilt.
(12) Sara: theme #12 on May 15, 2013, for Jul. 15, 2013's quilt.
(13) Nedra: theme #12 on July 15, 2013, for Sept. 2013's quilt.
(14) Wendy: theme #13 on Sept. 2013, for Nov. 2013's quilt
Looking at my calendar just now, I noticed that our next "due date" is just three weeks away! Where does the time go? I hope you're at least thinking about your Surprise quilt by now. No doubt some have finished theirs. Not me, however! Jane, I hope you've come up with an exciting theme #3 for us--if not already, then soon. It might be well for me to remind everyone that themes can be abstract (harmony, surprise, identity) or concrete (dandelion, chair, window). Choose whatever captures your fancy!
Looking forward to seeing all your quilts and hearing from all of you in about three weeks!