I met Judy last night at an art gallery, where an opening reception was being held for a new exhibit. We met up there so that she could pass on my Three Boys quilt that she's just quilted for me. Judy has rented some space above the gallery in a loft area for a studio. She works at home still, a lot, but this is a space where she can spread out. She keeps one sewing machine at the studio, and the one she uses to free motion quilts for herself and for compensation, she keeps at home. I thought our Mavens might like to see Judy's space, so here are some photos:
Here's Judy in her space. The quilt she's working on behind her, I think she said, she's off and on been working on it for a lot of years! Quilting friends from the Guild gave her hundreds of the little squares of fabric. |
The "long view". The empty table beside Judy's space represents some space yet
to be rented. But when needed, for now, Judy can "spill over" onto this table. |
I was fascinated by the exposed wall up here! You know how we art quilters see pattern, texture, color
everywhere we look? This wall is so beautiful! |
A closer look at the wall. It has this interesting mix of normal looking brick
and then those squares of, what perhaps concrete blocks?
Judy speculated that perhaps this
building had been damaged in the famous tornado of 1953
(before SHE was born!) and that the
mix of building materials was to repair damaged walls. |
This shows off the
quilt-in-process well! |