Friday, February 5, 2021

The Majestic Composite by Randy

I decided to do a background image this time to reflect my definition of the majesty (noun) or the majestic (adjective) nature of our world.  Some years ago my son and I were traveling to Colorado Springs to visit my brother.  He was driving.  We were somewhere between "The Springs" and Pueblo and there is not much to the east but grasslands and flat country.  I looked out the window and saw a pattern of 5 stacked rainbows--left to right.  Yes, I took a photo, but I can't find that image.  It is still somewhere in my collection.  If you will notice the large, first, rainbow, are the colors you all know, top to bottom: red, orange, green, blue, indigo, violet.  Check the outer rainbow.  The colors are reversed.  The red is on the inside and violet on the outside.  That is because the second rainbow is created by sunlight reflecting through raindrops inside the first rainbow--reversing the colors. Enough science; let's talk quilting.  Another majestic creation!

The composite came together mostly by format.

I placed Nedra's striking image in the middle because it was the only vertically oriented quilt.  Nedra, I have a story to share.  Many years ago, while I was teaching biology in Southern Indiana, we were privileged to have 7 students (6 young men and a young woman) attend our school (Vincennes University) from Swaziland, South Africa.  All 7 of them were children of King Sobhuza, but each had a different mother, but that's another story.  All spoke some Swahili and all spoke perfect English.

Alice and Tricia's quilts then tucked nicely on either side because they were perfect squares and each fit a common theme: the majesty of the great outdoors.

Often at looking at an image, a small detail will attract the eye.  I didn't notice until later, but the top row illustrates this point.  I placed Andrea's and Karen's images up top because they were both horizontal rectangles.  However on second and subsequent views, how often have we seen firework displays around tall spheres in the sky?  Also, the Eiffel Tower is a magnificent achievement by man in its setting.  Then notice the white line in Karen's quilt that draws attention in contrast to the white line in the tower, causing you to look again at both images.

Carolyn and Kathy's quilts anchor the composite to say "This Land is OUR Land."  Our land is majestic.  Let's take care of it--please!

What a treat to see your creative work.



  1. Randy, I loved the background image! Perfect for this theme. The way you arranged the quilts was logical and eye-catching. Thanks as always for assembling this for us!

  2. Another stunning composite, Randy! Thanks so much for adding your 5 stacked rainbows. Wowie - what a majestic site that must have been! You simply cannot know how much we appreciate you and your creative help! Thank you!!!

  3. OH RANDY ! You've done it again !! You take the work we've done to make our Quilts as beautiful and "True" to the theme as we can, then transform our work into a collectively More beautiful work of art ! Thanks again for what you do for us, for all the time it takes, and for the explanations you provide on how you assembled "The Reveal !"
    Peace and blessings to all.

  4. Oh, I love the addition of the background rainbow photo...I'm sorry that you weren't able to find your 5 rainbow photo ( I feel your pain!) can't imagine, I've only ever seen a double. Yet another well thought out and creatively designed composite, thank you Randy!

  5. This is great - love the background picture!!
