Friday, July 22, 2011

Linda and Andrea play and post

In 100 degree heat, nothing compared to Tx, Linda traveled to Andrea's studio where the two are exploring blogging and dyeing fabric. You should see Andrea's beautiful fabrics. She cut her strips first before dyeing for more interesting textures and believes this is a good discovery.


  1. How delightful to see a picture of Andrea, as well as to see her gorgeous fabric! I've ventured into painting fabric. Obviously, dyeing is the next experiment to try! Beautiful!

  2. Hi Andrea, I'm very impressed with your beautiful hand-dyed fabric. That sounds like fun, but alas, I'm no where ready to start dyeing my own fabric - or even painting fabric as Alice has done. Maybe sometime during the next year! Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Hi Andrea. I am back home safe after your lovely silk screen lesson and I can't wait to play the Grabowski dvd on the subject. That was fun even at 102 degrees. Got to the SouthEnd bead and quilt stores as well, packed in a cookie and water and made it back! Easy peasy

  4. 102 in BOSTON! Unbelieveable! That dome of hot air that is affecting nearly the entire country is awful. But just think when you are out in it, "Those Texans have been enduring weather like this for weeks!" I loved this post and the picture!

  5. You look great Andrea! I can attest to the fact that your fabric looks even better in person!

  6. Been to Andrea's and she is one of the reasons I went back to fabric!
    She is very creative and inspiring.
