Thursday, November 12, 2020

Judy S.: Let's Shake hands at the Round Table

To start with the Round Table I thought of many ways to modernize the Knights of the Round table, but they just didn't flow. One evening at my Camp Gladiator workout I talked to my friend Melinda who is a math teacher. "Is there anything interesting to do with math that would use a Round table?" She thought a minute and said, "There is one where there are 10 people around a table and you have to figure out how many total handshakes there would be if everyone shook each others hands." She continued to tell me that there is a visual where you draw different colored lines for each person and then you just have to count the total lines to get the answer. Oh WOW! I wish she had been my teacher! (Oh and as I was walking away she said, "There is an equation for it too.") Lol

I went online and discovered one where they used the 9 Supreme Court Justices as an example. That seemed appropriate with what was going on at the time. Guess what. Nine is not an even number to make an easy shape, but I got it! The close up shows the different ribbons, yarns and fabric I used to give each one their own color.
I basically couch/quilted the ribbons and yarns on. The back is fun to look at too with all the small zig-zag stitching.
Now to find the answer the red ribbon Supreme Court 
Chief Justice shakes 8 hands, Dark Green yarn Justice 7 handshakes, Gold ribbon Justice 6 handshakes, Lavender braided yarn Justice 5 handshakes, Pink ribbon Justice 4 handshakes, Blue ribbon Justice 3 handshakes, Orange fuzzy yarn Justice 2 handshakes, Light Green ribbon Justice 1 handshake and Dark purple Justice already shook everyones hand. So the total is 36 handshakes to go around the table.


  1. Judy, this was well worth waiting for! I think you take the prize for the most creative quilt based on this theme! I absolutely LOVE this, and I love the way you took this mathematical concept and used it for this quilt! Too, I absolutely love the fact that yours is so timely, focusing on the Supreme Court. Now what would be fun would be to figure out which Justice is which color, but my mind right now is too tired to come up with those assignments!

  2. Fascinating, unique & beautiful Judy!

  3. ABSOLUTELY AWESOME ! ! ! And so timely !
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts & ideas; your techniques; and most challenging (for me !) how you did the math !
    *** B R A V O ***

  4. This is spectacular! Gladiator workout?

    1. Camp Gladiator is a workout program my husband and I joined 4 years ago. It is all outdoors and I love it because they modify when you need it. We joined so that I could be ready for our grandson, but it turned out it helped me so much to recover quickly from my knee replacement.

  5. Oh my goodness, Judy, this is so creative! I love the reference to the Supreme Court. Thanks for the math lesson and your impressive interpretation. Love it!

  6. Fabulous! Love the colors and ideas
