Friday, April 30, 2021

Kathy's Migration Quilt


                                     [  OK...  I made a slight change to our challenge word.  ]

With all the media coverage about "PEOPLES" from other countries wanting to and trying desperately to escape what's going on in their own countries and seeking asylum in other countries, I decided to morph our challenge word into  "IMIGRATION."

Here in Texas, our Southern Borders are shared with Mexico and Baja California.

And, most definitely, let's not forget our Largest State, ALASKA, that shares a very impressive border with Canada.   If you were at some of the most Northern sections of Alaska (near Prudhoe Bay), you might even be able to see one of our Country's other "Neighbors,"   RUSSIA !

In this "Migration" quilt, one of the images was "borrowed" from the Internet; the other image, "AMERICA," was made on my computer.

Note from Alice:  Kathy took another image of her quilt and asked me to substitute this for her first image.  


  1. What a wonderful variation of migration.

  2. Kathy, I really wanted to somehow portray the migration of people to our country but was stymied about just HOW to do that. It's an issue that's in the news daily, but how to capture it? Our country's greatness is its diversity, and I pray that for all of our history, we will welcome the immigrants that enrich our culture and way of life.

  3. With my father actually being an immigrant from Germany after World War II I thought about doing one about him, but I just couldn't work it out. I'm glad you were able to do one with that theme. Plus, the thought of being able to see Russia from US Soil has always been a dream of mine. Thanks for sharing that.

  4. I love the fact that we are all (or most of us, that is) from immigrant families. My families migrated from Germany and from England/Ireland/Scotland. I agree with Alice that the diversity of nationalities in our country is our greatest asset. Thanks for reminding us, Kathy.

  5. I love the fact that we are all (or most of us, that is) from immigrant families. My families migrated from Germany and from England/Ireland/Scotland. I agree with Alice that the diversity of nationalities in our country is our greatest asset. Thanks for reminding us, Kathy.

  6. Love your "play" on the theme word. Immigrants certainly are migrating to the USA. Timely and clever!

  7. I have to agree with the other comments and thank you for the reminder that ( probably) all our families came here from other countries seeking a better way of life.
