Friday, March 1, 2024

Tricia's Fall Scalloping

 Fall Scalloping

Last month I used a tree and leaves for my ancestry so I struggled with a new idea for fall. As I usually do when I'm stuck, I ask a family member for suggestions on the theme word. My daughter's first reaction was we always go scalloping in the fall. On Nantucket Family Scalloping opens on October 1st. 

Scalloping on Nantucket is a treasured tradition for families but also the commercial fisherman. These are  the sweetest and tiniest bay scallops. The bay scalloping industry is dying everywhere. Nantucket has put a huge investment into saving and keeping the industry. This past year the investment has been paying off. The amount of scallops that are being harvested and seed that is in the harbor has increased. We have reason to be hopeful for the continuation of the bay scallop in Nantucket Habor.

Now to my journal quilt. I find it difficult to portray people and especially faces in my work. The first weekend in December our friend Nick and his family came to Nantucket for the Christmas Stroll. (so technically not fall). I had mentioned to Nick that Nantucketers very often go scalloping on Thanksgiving morning to have a scallop dish for Thanksgiving. It was the first weekend in December and Nick said lets go! He put on our wet suit and went out to Jackson Point. My quilt is from a picture of Nick coming in with a basket of scallops. Even after a hot shower he was cold for a long time! We enjoyed a delicious scallop dinner that night.

I printed the photograph on fabric, free motion stitched the grasses, created the basket from wire and filled with real tiny scallops shells that I have collected over the years. The scallops rake was made from tulle, metal and a dowel. It is 10"wide x 13"high


  1. Very cute photo to use! He looks like Superhero Scallop Man! You've made this look very realistic. The net and basket are so welldone - I wish I could see them in person. Love this!

  2. Thank you for introducing me to scalloping, Tricia! Being from the drought tolerant state of Texas, we lack the awesome experience of catching fish and little special things that live in the ocean!!! I had eaten scallops, but had absolutely no notion of how they were harvested. But of course, we know all about
    shrimp from the Gulf Coast. The basket with scallop shells and the net are so creatively designed. Great little quilt!

  3. Great suggestion from your daughter to honor the fall scalloping tradition on Nantucket. Clearly your friend Nick was most proud of his catch.
