Friday, August 30, 2024

Alice's Refraction: Wine glass with Red Pen  

I confess I had to look up the definition of "refraction" in the dictionary.  Not that that helped me much!  I was still confused about just what this word meant.  My next step was to Google "images that depict refraction."  Aha!  That did help immensely.  I saw a photo of a glass of water with a straw or something similar in the glass.  Suddenly the definition made sense to me.

So I filled a wine glass with water and placed a red pen in the glass.  Then I "posed" this still life on a table with a blank wall behind it and photographed it.   (Wish I'd posed it against something to make the wine glass more obvious!)   This photo was then printed off onto  some cotton fabric which I had adhered to paper with a fusible product.  

I pulled some red and brown fabrics from my stash and cut them into strips and did some fun string piecing.  I then pinned the photo of the wine glass and its red pen and appliqued it to the background.  I bound the little 12" x 12" quilt with more of one of the red fabrics.

So, fellow Mavens, this group that began over a decade ago has come to an end.  Endings are always sad, and I'm sad about this blog's last postings.  It's been for me a mind-stretching experience to come up with little art quilts that depict scores of different themes. How very appropriate that this current theme was one I had to struggle with!  Talk about mind stretching!

 I've met some wonderful fellow quilters from places as different as Massachusetts and Arkansas!  I remember with delight the various times we've gotten together for retreats and reunions.  Once most of us met in Houston during Festival, and then there were the fabulous times we had together in Nantucket and Arkansas.  Thanks again to those of you who made those gatherings happen.  I will miss 'seeing' all of you on the blog!  I plan to be in Houston for just one day in October; I hope to see some of you there!

The steering committee who came up with the idea to start this blog was made up of Judy Steward, Rita Schormann, and myself.  How I miss Rita, who died suddenly and unexpectedly in October of 2022.  I'd like to dedicate this final blog in her memory.  Without exaggeration, Rita was the most talented, meticulous,  and creative quilter I have ever known.  I will always miss her!


  1. Alice I love your interpretation. Its perfect. Thanks you and Linda for asking me to join this group. I have loved being a part of the group. I think its wonderful that you dedicated this post to Rita.

  2. This is wonderful Alice!! It is the perfect example of refraction! So glad you were able to participate in the final reveal. Thank you for being our leader for so long. You really inspired all of us!!

  3. Hi Alice. I love that you dedicated this last post of the Material Mavens to Rita, certainly among the top quilters I have ever met! I have such a warm feeling for each member of this group and this shared experience will always remain one of my all time best memories. Thanks Alice for all the work you put into making the MM group a reality! Even though I haven't made a Refraction quilt, I certainly learned about the word. I searched the dictionary, online photos and all sorts of art sources for the meaning, and needless to say, for an idea. The only one I came up with was a "rainbow". But alas, my move to Frisco did not prepare me for all of the great-grandma times my presence would be required - school performances, dance performances, softball, baseball, soccer games of twice per week and not-to-be missed Kids movies, and of course, all the birthdays and holidays. At least, I am leaning on this busy-ness for excuses. Getting to know each of you
    through your art work has been the
    joy of my life. Sending each of you a hug!

    PS - Alice, You did a fabulous quilt with this
    interesting word. Bravo!

  4. I'm so glad you joined us for this very last quilt challenge! For months my plan was to make my quilt based on a refracted red straw in a glass of water. If it had dawned on me to actually print the photo on to fabric, I would have! THIS is one of the reasons being an MM member has been a constant fascination, the different ways we have found solutions to satisfy a theme.
    I will forever be most grateful for the opportunity to experience all this group has given me since 2011, both online & in person.
    In addition to dedicating this last post to Rita, I'd like the post to be dedicated to Randy also. His humor and support never failed.
    Andrea ( as google won't acknowledge my account!)
