Friday, July 31, 2020

Field of Poppies

The theme word Garden conjures up all kinds of memories. I think I am getting old because everything seems to be tied to memories now.

I lived on a farm part of my younger years and garden was a source of food. My mother loved flowers, but never really had a flower garden. I remember trips to Natchez and to the Gulf Coast and admiring the beautiful azaleas. When we went to France, we were astonished by the beautiful poppies that grow as wildflowers.

Poppies are always associated with remembering people. They are also easier to quilt than hydrangeas which may be my favorite flowers.

My quilt has poppies I made from a silk scarf. The background fabric is one of the Stonehenge cottons. I painted on it with Inktense Blocks and thread sketched the petals and stems. The large poppy is three dimensional.


  1. Beautiful, Jane! You might be too young to recall the silk poppies that veterans groups used to sell as a fund raiser. Poppies are also wonderfully a part of a famous poem called "In Flanders Field." The first stanza of that poem, which pays tribute to the fallen soldiers of WWI, goes like this:

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    Likely it was because of this poem that the silk poppies became a symbol of the fallen soldiers everywhere, not only those of the First World War.

  2. Beautiful, I especially love your 3D poppy.

  3. The poppies almost morph into hearts. Very evocative. I love the mix of mediums. I remember when veterans would stand outside the stores and sell silk poppy pins on veteran’s day and I remember the poem. Red poppies always remind me of the Wizard of Oz.

  4. The large poppy is so realistic and I too love the morphed “heart” poppies!!

  5. Poppies are a favorite flower of mine. Nice choice using silk for them!

  6. Beautiful portrayal of this "universal" flower ! And using a red silk scarf was perfect ! Your narrative brought back memories of my growing up in San Jose, CA where we celebrated the Orange Poppy as our State Flower. Thanks for the additional info you provided !

  7. Using the silk scarf is perfect! I'm sure that makes the petals delicate just like the real ones. The inktense color added the perfect amount of color to move my eye across the quilt. Such a beautiful quilt of a lovely flower.
