Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Nedra's Key - Key Lime Cottage

After much thought about fancy skeleton keys, piano keys and other more obvious choices,  I opted  for the Florida Keys and the key lime pie color.  Going out of my box, I chose a basically abstract rendition of the theme.  My goal was to evoke the architecture and colors of the homes (and pie) and tropical vegetation of Key West.

The background, house lines  and orange brush strokes are hand painted, the curlicues and fencing are stenciled. I used rayon thread to thread paint the leaves and inktense pencils for shading.  The background is free motion quilted.  A traditional binding is used to finish.   Fun theme Andrea!!!


  1. Nedra, you are so clever to have come up with the color scheme for your quilt, not to mention the entire design! I have never visited the Florida Keys, but it's on my Bucket List. I love your free motion quilting too!

  2. Oh Nedra, this is charming! Key West, of course!!! I love all of the techniques - painting, stencils,shading and thread painting. Beautiful!!!

  3. What a way-cool interpretation of our challenge word ! I really like this quilt, and appreciate your description of the different processes you used :-D

  4. Too funny that we were both motivated to create a "Key West/Key Lime" quilt! I really love your abstracted design, which definitely evokes a "tropical" feel. Looks like you had a good time making this! So glad you enjoyed the theme.

  5. Yep!! Didnt see your PALM tree at first, thus the setting for yours!! So we were in tune!!

    1. Lol, glad you saw it with a second look! I was very tempted to add a bit of green to the palm tree, but in the end decided that could negate the pie.

  6. This does look like Key West! It is a soothing and fascinating place and your quilt draws me in to smile at the memories. Didn’t get any key lime pie when I was there, but I’m game to go again and get a slice next time!
